Sunday, November 22, 2009

My thoughts on the Texas Long-Range Plan for Technology (2006-2020)

It was very interesting reading the Texas Long-Range Plan for Technology 2006-2010. I had no idea this has been in the works for three years already! It is interesting to me that something this big, that could have such an impact on our daily lives, is not very well known.
Overall, I agree with the message that the Long-Range Plan is presenting. I think that is it critical that we are preparing the students for their future and their future is definitely going to involve technology in some way. I also agree that students learn differently than in the past. These students that we are teaching right now have so much more that goes on and are used to such a fast paced life. These students need more hands-on activities and technology to keep their focus.
As an instructional leader, I think it is necessary to be a model of technology. In meetings and staff development it is important to model these things that the teachers need to be using in the classroom. I would also need to provide the teachers with time and resources to attend staff development and training, but also a follow up in order to be sure the teachers are mastering what they have learned. It is also necessary for the teachers to have time to plan and figure out how to integrate technology into their everyday curriculum plans.
I do have a problem with how much they plan on implementing by the year 2020. Since this plan has been created, the nation’s economy has taken a turn for the worse. The schools are not getting the extra funding that was expected in this plan. I really think the biggest challenge will be funding this plan. My district had a TRE election at the beginning of this month and the community voted against it. This means that the district will be making huge budget cuts in all areas. This will have to include some part of technology. There is no way that my district can put $50 or more per student per year just on technology when we are not able to keep teachers and support staff due to funding. I think this is a great idea but things are going to have to change and the state will have to come up with more funding to make this vision possible.

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